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What Is a UPS? How an Uninterruptible Power Supply Works

howstuffworks - Tue, 02/04/2024 - 22:51
It's a foundational element of device integrity, but you wouldn't be the first person to beg the question, "What is a UPS?"

Planet caught in a gravitational 'tidal storm' is so hot that it glows

New Scientist - Space - Tue, 02/04/2024 - 21:00
A strange world is being stretched out of shape by its neighbouring planets, heating it up so intensely that it probably has a molten surface
Categories: Science

Astronomers have found what may be the smallest galaxy ever

New Scientist - Space - Tue, 02/04/2024 - 15:00
A tiny clump of stars orbiting our galaxy should have been ripped apart by the Milky Way, but its continued existence hints it may be held together by a massive amount of dark matter
Categories: Science

Millions of Phones Use GSM ... Meaning What, Exactly?

howstuffworks - Mon, 01/04/2024 - 19:23
The most useful thing to know about the Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) is that it is an international standard. If you travel in Europe and many other parts of the world, GSM is the only type of cellular service available.

‘Yell at your robot’ technique teaches robots household chores

New Scientist - Technology - Mon, 01/04/2024 - 18:00
AI allows robots to listen to verbal instructions while learning to correctly perform household tasks. That could enable more natural interactions between humans and robots
Categories: Science

How solar eclipses have been revealing cosmic secrets for centuries

New Scientist - Space - Mon, 01/04/2024 - 16:00
Records of total solar eclipses go back thousands of years, and in all that time they have allowed scientists to uncover key information about not just the sun but the whole universe
Categories: Science

AI chatbots beat humans at persuading their opponents in debates

New Scientist - Technology - Mon, 01/04/2024 - 09:00
When people were challenged to debate contentious topics with a human or GPT-4, they were more likely to be won over by the artificial intelligence
Categories: Science

Missing Word 53

Newest Brain Teasers - Sat, 30/03/2024 - 08:00
A 3-letter word has been taken out of each of the following words. Can you figure it out?

L _ _ _ R
R _ _ _ L
_ _ _ NT
RELI _ _ _

Check Braingle.com for the answer.
Categories: Brain Teaser

Unprecedented GPS jamming attack affects 1600 aircraft over Europe

New Scientist - Technology - Fri, 29/03/2024 - 18:00
A 63-hour-long marathon of GPS jamming attacks disrupted global satellite navigation systems for hundreds of aircraft flying through the Baltic region – and Russia is thought to be responsible
Categories: Science

Split Anagrams 24

Newest Brain Teasers - Fri, 29/03/2024 - 08:00
You are given a pool of eight 4-letter words. Your job is to use all of the words in the pool to create four pairs of words such that each pair can be anagrammed into an 8-letter word. Example: pare + such = purchase.

Pool: beer, dine, iris, oven, punt, tale, tuna, wild

Check Braingle.com for the answer.
Categories: Brain Teaser

Awesome Demonstration

Newest Brain Teasers - Fri, 29/03/2024 - 08:00
What phrase is represented by the following?


Check Braingle.com for the answer.
Categories: Brain Teaser

The ambitious plans to study the sun during April's solar eclipse

New Scientist - Space - Thu, 28/03/2024 - 22:00
Solar scientists have been preparing for years for a 4-minute window, during the total solar eclipse on 8 April, in which they will study the sun's corona
Categories: Science

Japan’s SLIM moon lander surprisingly survived a second lunar night

New Scientist - Space - Thu, 28/03/2024 - 18:13
The Smart Lander for Investigating Moon spacecraft has sent back images after surviving its second lunar night – generally these periods are so cold they destroy spacecraft electronics
Categories: Science

Chair for gamers boosts player performance and prevents muscular aches

New Scientist - Technology - Thu, 28/03/2024 - 14:00
Gamers seemed to be more comfortable after playing in a specialist gaming chair compared with a standard office chair
Categories: Science

Mars may have captured and split a comet to create its two moons

New Scientist - Space - Thu, 28/03/2024 - 10:00
How the Red Planet acquired its two moons, Phobos and Deimos, is unknown – they could have formed after something collided with the planet, or started out as asteroids – but now there is a hint of a cometary origin
Categories: Science

Early galaxy seen by JWST contains giant young stars and supernovae

New Scientist - Space - Thu, 28/03/2024 - 08:00
The light signature from GLASS-z12, one of the most distant galaxies we have ever seen, suggests some of its stars have already exploded as supernovae
Categories: Science

Today's Daily Brain Teaser (Mar 28, 2024)

Daily Brain Teaser - Thu, 28/03/2024 - 02:00

My granddaughter recently asked me this riddle, "Where you see one of us you'll see the other. Although we are opposites we are a pair. We are shaken frequently before breakfast, lunch and supper are devoured."

Check Braingle.com for the answer.
Categories: Brain Teaser

NASA’s Artemis astronauts will try to grow plants on the moon

New Scientist - Space - Wed, 27/03/2024 - 22:18
Three experiments have been selected to fly to the moon alongside NASA’s Artemis III astronauts, all designed to help with future long-term stays on the moon and eventually Mars
Categories: Science

This robot predicts when you're going to smile – and smiles back

New Scientist - Technology - Wed, 27/03/2024 - 20:00
An AI-powered robot named Emo watches people’s facial expressions and tries to match them, in an effort to make robots more relatable
Categories: Science

See the messages NASA is sending to Jupiter's icy moon, Europa

New Scientist - Space - Wed, 27/03/2024 - 20:00
Douglas Vakoch of METI International explains how NASA drew on the organisation's expertise at attempting to contact extraterrestrial intelligence to help craft a message to Europa
Categories: Science
