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How to see every planet in the solar system at once this week

New Scientist - Technology - Thu, 27/02/2025 - 13:31
For a few evenings around 28 February, every planet in the solar system will be visible in the night sky, thanks to a rare great planetary alignment. Here's how to make sure you don't miss this planetary parade.
Categories: Science

How to see every planet in the solar system at once this week

New Scientist - Space - Thu, 27/02/2025 - 13:31
For a few evenings around 28 February, every planet in the solar system will be visible in the night sky, thanks to a rare great planetary alignment. Here's how to make sure you don't miss this planetary parade.
Categories: Science

'Galloping' bubbles could act as tiny robotic vacuum cleaners

New Scientist - Space - Thu, 27/02/2025 - 12:00
While experimenting with waves, researchers discovered that vibrating a container of liquid would cause bubble to "gallop" across its surface
Categories: Science

'Galloping' bubbles could act as tiny robotic vacuum cleaners

New Scientist - Technology - Thu, 27/02/2025 - 12:00
While experimenting with waves, researchers discovered that vibrating a container of liquid would cause bubble to "gallop" across its surface
Categories: Science

Unconventional But Effective

Newest Brain Teasers - Thu, 27/02/2025 - 08:00
My first is a well-known Apple's section
My second is a labour defection
My whole wipes out a pin collection

What am I?

Check Braingle.com for the answer.
Categories: Brain Teaser

Today's Daily Brain Teaser (Feb 27, 2025)

Daily Brain Teaser - Thu, 27/02/2025 - 02:00
One Plus One Equals? #2

In this teaser you are required to find a word relating to mathematics hiding in consecutive letters within each sentence. Have fun!


"They knew that they had done the wrong thing."

Answer: ADD located in: "...hAD Done..."

1. The governor gave the budget a cut everywhere possible.

2. It is rumoured that Capri men often marry Naples women.

3. He drove his new Mustang entirely too recklessly.

4. Groucho and Harpo were two of the Marx brothers.

Check Braingle.com for the answer.
Categories: Brain Teaser

Extreme heat may speed up biological ageing in older people

New Scientist - Space - Wed, 26/02/2025 - 21:00
Spending more days in extreme heat seems to be linked to markers of increased biological ageing in people aged 56 and over, suggesting that it could raise the risk of age-related diseases
Categories: Science

Extreme heat may speed up biological ageing in older people

New Scientist - Technology - Wed, 26/02/2025 - 21:00
Spending more days in extreme heat seems to be linked to markers of increased biological ageing in people aged 56 and over, suggesting that it could raise the risk of age-related diseases
Categories: Science

Struggling with envy? Here are some science-backed ways to help

New Scientist - Space - Wed, 26/02/2025 - 20:00
A reader dealing with jealousy of a friend is given a host of scientifically sourced ways to help from our advice columnist David Robson
Categories: Science

Sci-fi thriller Dissolution smartly interweaves time travel and memory

New Scientist - Space - Wed, 26/02/2025 - 20:00
In his new novel Dissolution, Nicholas Binge plays with time travel and memory to craft a thriller reminiscent of Memento and Inception. It is well-deserving of its upcoming big screen treatment, says Emily H. Wilson
Categories: Science

Incredible close-up images of insects scoop photo contest honours

New Scientist - Space - Wed, 26/02/2025 - 20:00
A “smiling” damselfly and shimmering beetle captivated judges in the Royal Entomological Society’s 2024 Photography Competition
Categories: Science

From doomy prophecies to epic dystopias, we are suckers for end times

New Scientist - Space - Wed, 26/02/2025 - 20:00
Despite facing real existential threats like climate change, we remain too fascinated by the end of the world, argues a new book
Categories: Science

A spat over sand eels threatens puffins and other iconic seabirds

New Scientist - Space - Wed, 26/02/2025 - 20:00
Overfishing of small fish has led to population declines in the birds that feed on them. Now the UK government's attempts to protect this crucial resource faces a serious challenge
Categories: Science

How a theory about maleness could explain the state of the world

New Scientist - Space - Wed, 26/02/2025 - 20:00
Feedback is intrigued by a theory arguing that when maleness is threatened, men overcompensate with increased support for war and homophobia – and interest in SUVs
Categories: Science

Why humanoid robots are missing the point

New Scientist - Space - Wed, 26/02/2025 - 20:00
Why pour so much technological effort into developing a human-shaped robot when it could be any shape at all, asks Leah Crane
Categories: Science

Gripping account of how plants and animals shaped each other

New Scientist - Space - Wed, 26/02/2025 - 20:00
Palaeontologist Riley Black is back with a thrilling guide to how animals and plants co-evolved over millennia
Categories: Science

How to think about the most contentious ideas in science

New Scientist - Space - Wed, 26/02/2025 - 20:00
When faced with real-life controversy over the thorniest of research topics, we can seek guidance from fiction
Categories: Science

Struggling with envy? Here are some science-backed ways to help

New Scientist - Technology - Wed, 26/02/2025 - 20:00
A reader dealing with jealousy of a friend is given a host of scientifically sourced ways to help from our advice columnist David Robson
Categories: Science

Sci-fi thriller Dissolution smartly interweaves time travel and memory

New Scientist - Technology - Wed, 26/02/2025 - 20:00
In his new novel Dissolution, Nicholas Binge plays with time travel and memory to craft a thriller reminiscent of Memento and Inception. It is well-deserving of its upcoming big screen treatment, says Emily H. Wilson
Categories: Science

Incredible close-up images of insects scoop photo contest honours

New Scientist - Technology - Wed, 26/02/2025 - 20:00
A “smiling” damselfly and shimmering beetle captivated judges in the Royal Entomological Society’s 2024 Photography Competition
Categories: Science
